All the suggestions and information you will find on this website, plus if you sign up for my emails, will earn you money. Not a fortune but enough to give the pension a little extra help. None of the processes I will tell you about are difficult. Experience has taught me that the simpler the better.
When I first started, I coded my website with HTML now WordPress can do the same thing in next to no time. I prefer now to have either a simple website or no website.
The one thing you will need is a way of obtaining email addresses. Why? Because as they say the money is in the list. I use AWeber most of the time. You can get a free account here for your first 500 subscribers. Once you have 500 subscribers, you can always upgrade to Pro which gives you so much more.
One important point is that if you want to earn serious money, you will need a responsive email list and your own products to sell. To sell your own products you will need to gain skills and knowledge. From my experience, the best way is to do some form of affiliate marketing to begin with as you are not the product producer. However, take care what products you are an affiliate for as you need quality and value for money.
To give you an idea, to get people to buy from your affiliate link you will need to get them to your link and convert them into buyers. As you work at achieving this, you will become knowledgeable about SEO, free ads, paid ads, copywriting and using media channels for example.
To do it, to make money you will need to gain these skills, which as you are not creating the product means you can earn whilst you learn. The bonus is that all that knowledge will prove useful in the future for creating your own products.
The one very important point you should always keep at the back of your mind is VALUE. If you are promoting something does it, add value to your customers? If it doesn’t, then don’t promote it, especially if you are only offering it because it offers a high commission. Look 3 people buying a product that you get $10 dollars is $30 dollars a day do that with several products and you can earn $1000 dollars a month. Not life-changing but it’s money you did not have before.
I hope we can work together to increase your pension. Although I live in the UK what I do will work in the USA and in most other countries of the world.